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Convenient Swift bindings for the Keychain services.

The project is not supporting many Keychain features. If you want more, create or vote for an issue, or create a pull request. Before creating pull requests, you can discuss the intended change by creating an issue first.


Generic Passwords

import Keychain

let account = "user" // A user account, for which the password is used
let service = "service" // A service, e.g., your app name
let label = "\(account)@\(service)" // Descriptive name

let item = GenericPasswordItem(for: service, using: account, with: label)

// Store password
try "foo", in: item)

// Retrieve password
let password = try Keychain.retrievePassword(for: item)

// Update password
try Keychain.update(password: "bar", for: item)

// Delete item
try Keychain.delete(item: item)