
The following classes are available globally.

  • This class can be used to generate hash arbitrary data. Keyed hashing is supported.


    Do not use this for hashing passwords, as there is no protection against fast brute-force attacks. Use HashedPassword for that purpose.


    Public Hashing

    let data = "Hello, World!".utf8Bytes
    let hash = GenericHash(bytes: data)

    Private Hashing with Persisted Keys

    // Create a persona
    let alice = Persona(uniqueName: "Alice")
    // Generate a personalized hash for that persona
    let data = "Hello, World!".utf8Bytes
    let hash = GenericHash(bytes: data, for: alice)
    // Forget the persona and remove all related Keychain entries
    try! Persona.forget(alice)
    See more



    public class GenericHash
  • A class that can be used for exchanging keys between two parties on an adverserial channel.


    let alice = KeyExchange(side: .client)
    let bob = KeyExchange(side: .server)
    let alicesSessionKey = alice.sessionKey(for: bob.publicKey)
    let bobsSessionKey = bob.sessionKey(for: alice.publicKey)
    // alicesSessionKey == bobsSessionKey
    See more



    public class KeyExchange
  • A master key can be used to derive keys for other purposes.


    let context = MasterKey.Context("Examples")!
    let masterKey = MasterKey()
    let subKey1 = masterKey.derive(sizeInBytes: MasterKey.DerivedKey.MinimumSizeInBytes, with: 0, and: context)!
    let subKey2 = masterKey.derive(sizeInBytes: MasterKey.DerivedKey.MinimumSizeInBytes, with: 1, and: context)!
    // You can also derive a key in order to use it with secret boxes
    let secretBox = SecretBox(secretKey: masterKey.derive(with: 0, and: context))
    See more



    public class MasterKey : KeyMaterial
  • This class can be used to securely handle passwords. Passwords will be copied to a secure memory location, comparison will be performed in constant time to avoid timing attacks and a method for hashing passwords is provided to store them for user authentication purposes.


    let password = Password("Correct Horse Battery Staple")!
    let hashedPassword = password.hash()!
    // Store `hashedPassword.string` to database.
    // If a user wants to authenticate, just read it from the database and
    // verify it against the password given by the user.
    if hashedPassword.isVerified(by: password) {
        // The user is authenticated successfully.
    See more



    public class Password
  • A persona is an entity for which you are in posession of the secrets. The secrets are persisted in the system’s Keychain. A persona has a unique name.

    The Keychain items are prefixed by the application’s bundle identifier and suffixed with a value determining the type of secret stored.

    The actual value of the secret is Base64 encoded to allow users accessing the value from the Keychain Access application (macOS)


    The persona is unique per device and application bundle identifier. If you create two personas with equal names on two different applications or devices, they cannot be used to decrypt secrets of one another. If a persona is removed and re-created with the same name, it cannot be used to decrypt values encrypted for the previous one.


    // Create a persona
    let alice = Persona(uniqueName: "Alice")
    // Once a secret of that persona is used, it will be persisted in the
    // system's Keychain.
    let secretBox = SecretBox(persona: alice)!
    // Use your SecretBox as usual
    let plaintext = "Hello, World!".utf8Bytes
    let ciphertext = secretBox.encrypt(plaintext: plaintext)
    let decrypted = secretBox.decrypt(ciphertext: ciphertext)!
    // Forget the persona and remove all related Keychain entries
    try! Persona.forget(alice)
    See more



    public class Persona
  • This class can be used to encrypt/decrypt data based on a shared secret (symmetric key).


    Ephemeral Keys

    An ephemeral key is destroyed once the SecretBox is destroyed. There is no way to recover it unless otherwise persisted. This can be used for keys that should only reside in memory, e.g., if they were shared between multiple parties.

    let secretBox = SecretBox()
    let plaintext = "Hello, World!".utf8Bytes
    let ciphertext = secretBox.encrypt(plaintext: plaintext)
    let decrypted = secretBox.decrypt(ciphertext: ciphertext)!

    Persisted Keys

    Persisted keys will be stored in and loaded from the system’s Keychain automatically. This is useful for encrypting data for oneself, e.g., if you want to store encrypted files in a public document storage, such as Dropbox.

    // Create a persona
    let alice = Persona(uniqueName: "Alice")
    // Once a secret of that persona is used, it will be persisted in the
    // system's Keychain.
    let secretBox = SecretBox(persona: alice)!
    // Use your SecretBox as usual
    let plaintext = "Hello, World!".utf8Bytes
    let ciphertext = secretBox.encrypt(plaintext: plaintext)
    let decrypted = secretBox.decrypt(ciphertext: ciphertext)!
    // Forget the persona and remove all related Keychain entries
    try! Persona.forget(alice)


    If you add padding to your messages, the original size of the message is not disclosed in the ciphertext. The ciphertext size will be a multiple of the block size.

    let secretBox = SecretBox()
    let plaintext = "Hello, World!".utf8Bytes
    let padding: Padding = .padded(blockSize: 16)
    let ciphertext = secretBox.encrypt(plaintext: plaintext, padding: padding)
    let decrypted = secretBox.decrypt(ciphertext: ciphertext, padding: padding)!
    See more



    public class SecretBox